Paediatric dentistry

Paediatric dentistry

Dental treatment for children is different from that for adults. In addition to professionalism, we dentists also need to demonstrate a level of creativity so that we can explain things to children, keep them calm, encourage them and reward them for their courage.


Importance of the first appointment
The first appointment
What should I know about my child’s first dentist appointment?
Preparing for the first appointment
The doctor – a long-time friend

Importance of the first appointment

Our hygiene and healthy lifestyle habits are formed in early childhood. That means that our children’s experience at the dentist’s office affects how they will take care of their teeth as adults and how comfortable they will be with going to the dentist regularly. The first appointment is the first impression, so it is especially important.

Present this as a positive experience and encourage your child not to worry – everything will be fine. Whatever you do, do not scare your child or talk about pain.
However, the most important thing is to develop oral hygiene habits in your children as soon as they get their first teeth. Healthy teeth that are cared for properly mean fewer visits to the dentist, and when you do go – it will usually just be for a preventive check-up.

The first appointment

Children should see a dentist when they get their first teeth. Later – as prescribed by the dentist. Once children are 8-9 years old, they should also see an orthodontist. The specialist at our clinic will check whether your child’s teeth are coming in correctly. The earlier we notice any occlusion problems, the easier it will be to fix them.

What should I know about my child’s first dentist appointment?

The first appointment should be an introduction. Don’t wait until your child complains of a toothache. The best case scenario is when the first appointment only involves talking to the child and doing a dental exam without any instruments. For children who are curious, we try to show them the funny saliva ejector, the dental mirror and the coloured fillings – of the children ever need a filling, they can select whatever colour they want and then show their friends as proof of their courage.

If you like, we can talk to your child about tooth care during the first examination.

Preparing for the first appointment

Even if your child is experiencing pain and the first appointment will be more than just an introduction, you should not “calm” the child in adult terms. This is one of the most common mistakes when going to the dentist for the first time. Without thinking, parents tell their children that the dentist will “only poke and drill a little” or that “it will only hurt a bit” and so on. For a child who has never sat in the dentist’s chair, this creates negative feelings and fear in advance. If your child is curious, explain how the doctor will fix the painful tooth with coloured fillings.

And don’t forget that children can sense when their parents are anxious, so first and foremost – stay calm yourself.

The doctor – a long-time friend

It is also important that the child is treated by the same dentist until adolescence, and possibly longer. If they get along during the first appointment and the child trusts the dentist, this is a huge advantage. After one dentist successfully treating a tooth, it is not uncommon for the child to begin to behave in the exact opposite way when taken to a different dentist. In this case, consistency helps to prevent potential difficulties.
