Monika Maciutė

Monika Maciutė



To me, dentistry is medicine, and the patient is not a client. To me, teeth are an important human digestive organ, without which we would lose one of our greatest pleasures – eating. I look at the patient as a whole – a single organism in which everything is connected. Pain and discomfort when chewing is not only a dental problem. My area of interest is temporomandibular joint dysfunction as well as related masticatory muscle disorders and teeth grinding. The most important thing for me is to restore a high-quality and complete masticatory function, which comes with aesthetics, a healthy smile and self-confidence. There is a reason why they say “a full person is a happy person” – a beautiful smile alone will not give you fullness.




years of experience

“Let’s smile a healthy smile!”

“Let’s smile a healthy smile!”




Graduated from the Kaunas University of Medicine and earned a master’s degree in dentistry


Member of the Lithuanian Dental Chamber


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